Try Cubase Pro With Free Demo Projects

Discover Cubase Pro with free demo projects by leading music creators from various genres. Master production secrets like a pro through expert video tutorials. Refine your music production skills and elevate your creativity to new heights.

Free demo projects across different genres

Master production and mixing secrets like a pro

Dive deeper with expert video tutorials

Austin Hull

Austin Hull is a producer, songwriter and musician, based in Orlando, Florida. For Cubase 13 he has created a demo project titled ‘SOS'.
For Cubase Pro 12, he previously created the pop demo project "Close to the Limit".
Both projects can be used with Cubase Pro 13, with free video tutorials available for both.

Video Tutorials

Overview of a Pop Project (Cubase 12)

How to Produce a Pop Song (Cubase 12)

How to Mix a Pop Song (Cubase 12)


AZODi is a K-Pop music producer, songwriter and content creator based in Brighton, UK. For Cubase 13 he created the demo project ‘Got Me Twisted’.

Watch the step-by-step video tutorial to learn his Cubase production process.

Overview of a Pop Project (Cubase 13)

Mendel Bij De Leij

Mendel Bij De Leij is a guitarist, composer and producer from the Netherlands. He created this rock demo project.

Download the unmixed version to follow the mixing process in our video tutorials.

Video Tutorials

Overview of a Rock Project

How to Mix Rock Drums

How to Mix Rock Guitars and Bass